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Selfstore, Clipstone Mews, Fitzrovia, London W1W 5DJ

News & Tips

10 Most Common Reasons for using Self Storage


Self-storage is a great option if you really don’t want to sell items that you only use occasionally, and a storage space is really the only option to save you the space whilst still keeping possession of the item. Space is hard to find in your home so any seasonal items you may only use a few times a year are probably okay to be moved into a storage facility like ours to give your home more space for your everyday activities, this effectively de-clutters your home and gives you peace of mind, as a clean home is usually a happy one.

Run out of space at home

People are reluctant to cast aside belongings they no longer use, especially if they are still in good condition. They want to hang onto things ‘just in case’ or often because they’re planning on passing them on at some point in time. It could be an old Chesterfield, a bike, a bed, Hi-fi equipment or a bookcase. Getting on the housing ladder is very expensive and many are storing furniture etc, in preparation for when their children make that jump and will need all the help they can get.

Moving house

Increasingly people are having to move out of their old home before moving into their new one to avoid losing a sale. If that’s the case and you have nowhere to store your belongings, a self storage unit is the ideal answer. Also, if you are downsizing, but don’t want to throw away or sell those bits and pieces quite yet, a self storage unit will help while you make your mind up about what stays and what goes.


If the builders are due, to erect a new conservatory or extension, and you are worried about them walking through the house and damaging your sofas or wooden furniture, a self storage unit would be ideal to house your valuables whilst the work is ongoing.


If you have a new addition on the way and need to completely clear the spare bedroom, you don’t have to clear the decks and put everything on ebay. Yes, replace the spare bed with a cot, but put the bed in a self storage unit, along with any furniture that you don’t need. You’re probably going to need it again is a while. You can always sell it if you change your mind.


Are you a garden worker, builder or painter and decorator? Are you worried about leaving your tools in the van overnight? If you rent a small self storage unit, you can drop off your tools at the end of the day and pick them up the next morning. They will be stored safely in damp free surroundings – under lock and key.

Garden furniture and machines

Summer gives way to autumn and the grass has been cut for the last time. It’s time to put away all the garden furniture and equipment, but where? The space in the shed or garage seems alot smaller than when you took it all out and the chances are you’ve bought an extra lounger, or decided to buy a bigger table. You’re not going to use any of the items for months so putting it all into a self storage unit leaves you with a bit of space in the garage and also helps protect your garden furniture.

Gap year

Many students choose to spend a year travelling before they enter the big, wide world of work! However, many find that they have nowhere to store their belongings between the end of university and the time that renting a house comes around on their return. In all likelihood, there’s no room back at mum and dad’s for all the extra things they’ve acquired during their 3 or 4 years at Uni. A small self storage unit is ideal for this.

Working away

Have you been offered the chance to work away, maybe abroad for 12 months? If so, and you own a property, you are likely to rent out your property for the duration of your stay away. Many home owners in this position don’t want to leave all the belongings in the house. A self storage unit will provide you with peace of mind whilst you are away.

Empty nesting

Once your children have left for university, you might want to alter the lay-out of your home. You could turn one of the bedrooms into a study or your child’s study into a television room. Some families will utilise the extra space by turning their house into a B&B. Whatever your choice, there are sure to be items of furniture that you don’t need but are reluctant to sell. After all, you never know when the children might return!

University students in summertime

Students will collect various items during their stay at university. A television, CD player, a sofa, their own bed to name but a few. If it’s not your last year, when the summer term is over, it’s unlikely that you will want to take everything back to your parents’ home only to bring it all back in September. If that’s the case and you are unsure who might be hanging around in your rented accommodation over the summer period, a self storage unit local to your university accommodation is an ideal solution. A small price to pay for a summer of peace and confidence.

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If you have any questions at all please call our friendly and knowledgeable team on 020 7323 2126,
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We can advise you on what's the best storage solution for your needs and your budget.